Wednesday, January 04, 2006

So I haven't posted anything on here in ages..... I guess I'll update although I doubt anyone ever looks at this anymore. Uhmm... I just had my birthday. I had a ton of fun playing video games and Dave and Buster's. I got a great big stuffed hippo for all the credits we won. It was definitely a very nice birthday.

Uhh... I have one more semester of classes at UMKC. I'm ready to graduate. I'll be graduating with my sociology degree and hopefully a history minor. I plan to go on to get my teaching certificate. Hopefully that happens...

Ok, so yeah... that's life for now. The holidays were nice and now it's 2006. Yippy.

~*Happiness is not a fish that you can catch.*~ 6:54 PM

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Blah Blah Blabbidy blah.........

~*Happiness is not a fish that you can catch.*~ 6:27 PM

Monday, March 14, 2005

Yeah, so I haven't really been visiting my site much recently. I've been really busy so I haven't had a whole lot to say. Just for a quick update.... I'm working at an internship with the social services department. That takes up basically two days out of my week. Other than that I'm going to school full time and working part time at a watch store. Soooo yeah, fun stuff. I've been really busy this semester. I still don't know if I'm as busy as I was last semester though.... last semester was killer. Anyway, I just took a recent trip to St. Louis. It was a great vacation and a very nice way to spend spring break. Other than that, I'm just looking into options that I have for a career.

I think that's a pretty damn good update. I haven't written that much on here in a while. Hmm... now all those three people that even know this site exists can read this and be like hey, I already knew this OR hey... that's where that chick has been all this time!

~*Happiness is not a fish that you can catch.*~ 7:32 PM

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Wow.. so this semester is just about over. I have two finals and that's it. It's nice to be done with class. I'm having a hard time getting myself to study for finals that are five days away. I'm sure I will be glad if I do, but it's hard to tell myself that now.

I'm just about done with the Christmas shopping. I still have to buy my boy a few more things :P

Life in Kansas City is slow. I like it much better than Kirksville though. I miss it a little but only for the freedom from living with my parents. Blah

Well, I'm sure it'll be a long while before I post again..... Don't think it really matters though.. hehe

~*Happiness is not a fish that you can catch.*~ 4:19 PM

Saturday, September 04, 2004

I haven't posted in a while. Mostly because no one really reads this and also because I haven't felt the need to really post. My life hasn't been all that eventful. I'm glad about that though don't get me wrong. It's nice to not have all kinds of stuff happening that I don't like. I've basically had class and work and some hanging out thrown somewhere in there. I haven't had a whole lot of time for drama. So yeah, it's a nice change from Truman.

This three day weekend is gonna be nice. Monday is my busiest day so to have that out of the way is GREAT. I don't get a whole lot done during the week so I want to catch up. We'll see if that actually happens....

Well, just like for the last month or so I don't really have all that much to say. I'll have to work on that :P. I don't think anyone wants to hear about me going to the bank, doing laundry, and cleaning my room sooo I'll spare you. I'm making a mental note to find something interesting to say soon... as in probably a long while.. lol

~*Happiness is not a fish that you can catch.*~ 10:02 AM

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Thank you Hope!!! You're awesome and neat and oh so many great and wonderful things :)

By the way, the reason I'm thanking her is for my lovely new template! I'm not sure if I she will be replacing this one with my other one just new and improved or what. I still like this one for the moment though.

I've been doing pretty well. I have a new job that I like quite a bit. It isn't the best job in the world or anything but the time goes by fast and I don't hate it nearly as much as a lot of other jobs that I have had which says a whole lot for it. Plus they always have a stock of great candy that I can raid at any time.

School starts soon and it's pretty safe to say that I'm not really looking forward to it. Mainly because I get to take French III and I haven't taken any French whatsoever in about a year and a half. I just wanna pass.. :P I AM looking forward to the new school and all but it's still extra stressful.

I just thought I should update. I haven't really been up to all that much so I don't have anything tooo interesting to say. Sooo I'll spare everyone the pointless babble.

~*Happiness is not a fish that you can catch.*~ 12:14 AM

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Blah... I feel a little off center. Today I did a lot of running around and accomplished very little besides making my car tired. I'm looking into another car but it's getting checked out and might need more work than we thought it would. They guy who was selling it was telling us that it didn't need new tires but it definitely does need new tires. We're hoping we can just get him to lower the price. It's a nice car really... a lot more reliable than mine.

Well.. I just got off the phone with my step dad and it looks like we are gonna be buyin that car. Sooo it looks like I gots a new ride. It's a 96' Ford Taurus and it only has like 57,000 miles on it. It's a goldish color and a really nice interior. Yay.. I'm gonna have air conditioning!!

Up and down up and down.... I wish things were consistent. It's hard when so many things are going on though. I need to get my head out of the clouds... :P

~*Happiness is not a fish that you can catch.*~ 3:11 PM